Household of Faith Christian Fellowship Church

The Household of Faith is a ministry that has been called to have one God, one mind and one mission. We depend on the Holy Spirit to lead us exactly where God wants us to go. We know that an understanding of God’s Word is what you need to change your life. We are a Bible teaching Christian church.

We are committed to helping you find your purpose and God’s plan for your life. We teach God’s Word uncompromisingly and with passion. The name of the church is derived from Galatians 6:10 which says, “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” We invite you to worship with us.

Household of Faith Christian Fellowship Church

1205 Round Rock Avenue

Suite 109
Round Rock,TX 78681


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Service Times
Sunday morning – 11am
Wednesday night – 7:30pm

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